The Challenge

Here is the challenge: to read the Bible in 90 days, sounds daunting, but not really if you look at the reading plan. If you're Bible was say 1790 pages long, which apparently some are, that's only 20 pages a day. So doable. :)

So here's the plan, set to embark this Saturday, June 19. I encourage you to join me. Here's the little tagline from Steven Furtick and Elevation church.

"B90X is a revolutionary system of intense, truth-absorbing,
brain-busting Bible reading that will transform your
understanding of Scripture from intro to nitro in just 90 days!
Your personal trainer, Ruach "The Breath" Yahweh, will drag you
through the most intense infusion of His vision that you have
ever experienced and you won't believe the results!"

My plan is to read and journal and I'd love to share with anyone who'd like to join me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 26: Do you ever feel alone? (1 Kings - 2 Kings 4); The Kings and Elijah

Do you ever feel alone?  Do you ever feel like you are constantly at odds with everyone around you?

I certainly feel that way many days.  I feel abandoned by the very God who called me.  I feel as if I am one against thousands in this broken and corrupt world and then I read the story of Elijah.  Wouldn't you know?  He felt that way too.

Elijah did amazing things through the power of God.  He brought the widow's son back to life.  He called fire down from Almighty God to consume the sacrifice he had prepared to the LORD God.  He put himself at odds with Ahab and Jezebel time and time again.  And then, it's too much.  He's afraid and he runs for his life, alone, into the desert.

In the desert Elijah prays a prayer I am very familiar with, not because I read this passage a lot (though indeed I am familiar with the passage itself), no it is because I've prayed this prayer in one form or another throughout my life.  "I have had enough, LORD, Take my life; I'm worthless."  I'm paraphrasing a bit here, but the sentiment is powerful and it resonates with me.  "God I'm done.  Just let me die.  I'm alone.  I'm tired.  I'm persecuted.  I'm hopeless."

God's response is simple, "Get up and eat."  God doesn't even address Elijah's self-esteem issues, not here, not now.   God reminds me of my mother right here, "Eat something, you'll feel better."  God knows best.  Elijah gets some strength and courage and goes off to the mountain of God (Mt. Horeb).  There he again encounters God in a profound way, not in fire, not in earthquaking, not in wind, but in a gentle whisper.  Again Elijah brings his complaint and exhaustion and frustration to God and again God responds.  Of course God doesn't coddle or sooth Elijah here either.  He gives Elijah another assignment, because He knows he can handle it and then, as almost an afterthought, God says, "I've reserved 7,000 in Israel who've not bowed to Baal..."

I imagine Elijah's wondering, where are these 7,000Seven thousand!  No Elijah, you are not alone and your work is not in vain.  God is doing powerful things through you.  Do not lose heart!

That's a good reminder: when I feel alone and discouraged, I need to remember the the LORD says, "Take heart!  You are not alone.  I have millions the world over who are serving me and doing my will.  Are you not as blessed as they?"  Thanks God.  I needed that.

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