Jeremiah - again I feel lucky to have the background that I do having read about the kings not too long ago. Even if I didn't, the book gives some background, but the context carries more meaning when you actually understand the history to which it refers.
If you ever feel ill equipped for ministry, read Jeremiah 1. If God calls you, he calls you and he gives you what you need to do his will. So don't worry. It is a scary thing, but as trite as it may sound, God is bigger than our fears and he will carry us through.
I love the voice of God in Jeremiah, or the voice Jeremiah lends to God. The Scriptures were written by human authors and God used their own unique styles and voices for his good work. So either way, I love the language and the content. Like Isaiah, there is a great deal of metaphor and description and darn good poetry. The main imagery here in these chapters, God calling to his bride, his unfaithful bride. The theme is pretty clear and it repeats throughout these chapters. There is a clear yearning here, God is calling his people to come back to him. He pleads with them, "Just repent. Show me with your heart that you desire to truly follow me and not prostitute yourselves to the desires and gods of these other nations."

What has been true and clear up until this point (and will continue on) God desires a transformed and faithful heart. He does not desire lip service or routine. He wants the real deal and doesn't He deserve it? Without it and because of there great unfaithfulness, prostitution really, God exacts judgment. In His judgment He is just. You can see that so clearly here in Jeremiah. There is judgment for all nations, but there is also hope. Just as it is clear that if Israel/Judah were to repent they would be saved, so to would it be for those of other nations. God is just and merciful.
May I remember that and may this be my prayer:
"'but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,' declares the LORD."
Jeremiah 9:24
I needed to read Jeremiah 9:24 today. Thank you friend! I love reading your blog, keep it coming.