The Challenge

Here is the challenge: to read the Bible in 90 days, sounds daunting, but not really if you look at the reading plan. If you're Bible was say 1790 pages long, which apparently some are, that's only 20 pages a day. So doable. :)

So here's the plan, set to embark this Saturday, June 19. I encourage you to join me. Here's the little tagline from Steven Furtick and Elevation church.

"B90X is a revolutionary system of intense, truth-absorbing,
brain-busting Bible reading that will transform your
understanding of Scripture from intro to nitro in just 90 days!
Your personal trainer, Ruach "The Breath" Yahweh, will drag you
through the most intense infusion of His vision that you have
ever experienced and you won't believe the results!"

My plan is to read and journal and I'd love to share with anyone who'd like to join me.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 10: Leviticus 26-Numbers 8 Not much to say

I don't really have anything profound to say.  I could comment on the price dictated by God for individuals, but I don't know, God had his reasons.  Sure it irks me a little that girls are worth less than boys, all around, but maybe there is a reason for that.  I guess it made it easier to offer women to God... I don't know if that's a good argument though.

I like how God reiterates that the Levites belong to him.  They take the place of the firstborn of Israel, they and their livestock.  God is very adamant about what is his.  I think that's a good visual.  These people are mine, I claim them.  It's a scary, and yet comforting, thought to be claimed by the Almighty Creator of the Universe.

Ch. 6 - The Nazirite vow.  I was thinking that maybe I should do that, but then I couldn't cut my hair.  I could totally do the abstaining from the fruit of the vine though.  I don't know if I could make the sacrifice of shaving all my hair at the end of my vow.  Have to pray about that one.

Ch. 8 - Something to think about.  I cheated a little and read to the end of the chapter where it says that the Levites can only officiate in the service (NLT) until they are 50.  There is a time for everyone to step down and let the next generation step in.  I think that is something to ponder more.  God can use us at any age, but I think it's good to know when we've passed the point of our effectiveness.

I leave you with this, Numbers 6:24-26:

May the LORD bless you and protect you.
May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace.  (NLT)

God promises his blessings, may you receive them today.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it is better to say that it is good to know when it is appropriate to step aside so that we do not inhibit the next generation to what they have been called to do.
