The Challenge

Here is the challenge: to read the Bible in 90 days, sounds daunting, but not really if you look at the reading plan. If you're Bible was say 1790 pages long, which apparently some are, that's only 20 pages a day. So doable. :)

So here's the plan, set to embark this Saturday, June 19. I encourage you to join me. Here's the little tagline from Steven Furtick and Elevation church.

"B90X is a revolutionary system of intense, truth-absorbing,
brain-busting Bible reading that will transform your
understanding of Scripture from intro to nitro in just 90 days!
Your personal trainer, Ruach "The Breath" Yahweh, will drag you
through the most intense infusion of His vision that you have
ever experienced and you won't believe the results!"

My plan is to read and journal and I'd love to share with anyone who'd like to join me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 11: Numbers and I have a whole lot to say today

So the chapters today are the second half of 8-21:7.  Yesterday was a good read, just nothing really popped out at me, although, as I was reading today, I was reminded of some things that I read yesterday.  I love how God works.

So in chapter 7 it talks about how God spoke to Moses and he heard his voice speaking to him from the Ark of the LORD.  Throughout it really says how the LORD spoke to Moses and how Moses spoke to the LORD, but then in chapter 9 it talks about how the Israelites stopped and started depending on when the cloud, that is the LORD, lifted.  I caught myself thinking, wouldn't it be neat to hear the LORD or actually see his presence in a cloud or pillar of fire?  Then I stopped.  I realized I do have that.  God the Holy Spirit lives in me.  I have God, the Creator of the Universe LIVING IN ME!!!!!  Yes, I'm shouting there.  It's quite a powerful thought that I constantly forget.  I don't need to stand before the Ark of the LORD or have a cloud or fire.  God is the fire within me.  He is my source and my guide.  Sometimes I don't hear him clearly enough myself, so that's when he reminds me through other people what he has to say to me.  I am never without. 

Moses got so stressed out in chapter 11 when the Israelites yet again gave up on God, that he asked to die.  God said, look, bring some elders and I'll share my spirit that I placed on you with them.  God's spirit wasn't for everybody then.  It is now.  It is for anyone who wishes to wholeheartedly follow God, believe in Jesus and follow God. That is a blessing, but it is also a responsibility. 

It was a responsibility to Moses, to follow and obey.  He got a little cocky towards the end.  I mean God had called him to do so many things and he did, then I think that last instant he said, "Meh, God's done this water from the rock thing before and all I had to do was hit it.  That'll work.  God's still God, so he won't mind if I just do it this way."  God did mind.  (There will be more on this tomorrow).  God is ever and always concerned with the attitudes of our hearts.  Moses was humble, but I think this can go to show that even the most humble can become unhumble.  Both Moses and Aaron took the command of God into their own hands.  That's exactly what God does not want us to do.  That is what the Israelites did time and time again and now Moses and Aaron were definitely guilty too (see chapter 20).

So Holy Spirit is our blessing.  I am glad that we are also washed by God's grace and mercy through Jesus Christ.  This does not mean that I am not responsible to love and worship God with my whole heart.  This is the greatest commandment, after all.  LORD, may I truly remember you and seek your glory above all else in all I do.


  1. You were up late with this posting! Glad you were able to read the Scriptures and share with us despite gallivanting around town all night. :)

  2. It was such a wonderful evening and a good way to end it. Thanks for reading.
